Thursday, February 14, 2008

100th Day of School

Jake's 100th day of school project. And yes, there were 100 M&M's before a few fell off.


Jana Kay said...

Wow...I would get so hungry before I got 100 m&m's on that thing! :) I love chocolate!

The White Family said...

Glad to see another child is food focused. Georgia brought 100 Cheese It's for her 100th day. Too Funny!

JonesGardenBlog said...

Fell off... or got pulled off?

And we know Jake isn't a chocolate fan... hmmm...

Good to see you blogging again!

Marna said...

Ha! Keith, if you'd seen the way these M&Ms were handled and the amount of glue and rubber cement used, you would know the truth. I will let you in on a little secret, we pulled out the red and green before anyone could contaminate the rest. Now, what happened to the other colors after that, I will never tell!