Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Anniversary Post

This is a little late, but that does not change it's importance. Kyle and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary at the beginning of this month. Man how time flies (sp?). But on the other hand, it seems like we've been together forever. Parts of our life are a haze and memories blend together. One thing remains the same. We are in this together, forever. No if, ands, or buts about it. I wish I could sit here and say that it's been a cake walk. That our life has been easy and that our marriage has been blissful. But I won't. That's not true and it's not realistic. I can say one thing. I thank God every day that he gave me Kyle. A man who not only loves God, but has a personal relationship with him. A man who seeks God and wants to do His will. Because, you see, our marriage is not perfect. If it were, where would God fit in? Who would need him. Neither of us are perfect. That leaves plenty of room for God. Over the years, we have learned that God is truly at the center of our life together. Without Him, who knows were we'd be. The one truth that has not changed since the day we said "I DO" is the fact that we both made a promise to God that we would be together until death parted us. And during the trials we've endured, that point has been made plainly clear. No matter what happens, we're stickin'. Without those trials, we might not be sure of the other's commitment. So, in a way, I understand, "Count it pure joy, when you endure trials..." because that is how our faith is made strong. I would not trade a day, good or bad, of this marriage. It has made us who we are and solidified our commitment to each other. I love Kyle more than words can say and couldn't imagine my life without him. (He never reads this, so this isn't for him.)


JonesGardenBlog said...

That's awesome!

God bless!

DeeDee said...

yep Klye is a keeper! I remember when you guys went on your first date!

laura said...

Thanks for your comment. I teared up with relief that I'm not the only one who's been through this. I'm having a really hard time adjusting to either not going on trips and being alone with a child all summer or attempting to go on trips, only to feel like a loner in the back of the room with a baby. It's really hard. So thanks again.

The Stringers said...

Congratulations! Your post was so sweet, and I can't wait to see ya'll. Your spelling was correct :)