Hello everyone. I know it's been a while since I updated this thing, but life gets busy sometimes. There is a lot to report and many pictures to download, so check back with me in a couple of days. I promise, I'll try.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thanksgiving Feast
Jake's class celebrate Thanksgiving this past Thursday. They are out of school for this entire week, so that's why they did it so early. We had chicken soup, cornbread with homemade butter, and pumpkin pie. All of it was prepared by the class. One mother said her daughter (who as a side note, Jake called his "girl friend". To which Kyle replied, "I don't think so.") came home and asked, "Do you know how long it takes to cut a carrot when you're using a plastic knife?" Anyway, the feast was a success. Like any good kindergarten class, they all dressed up as pilgrims or Indians. Jake chose to be one of only two Indians in the class. We as great time and were lucky enough to be joined by Kyle's parents who had arrived from Texas just that morning.
Posted by
11:04 PM
Ice Blocking
Here is Arizona's crazy answer to snow sledding. You go to the ice store, yes they do exist, and you buy blocks of ice. You throw a towel over it, find a hill, and off you go. We did it at a youth small group gathering and to tell you the truth, it was a blast. Here are some pictures, and yes that is me with my rear end facing the camera. Who thinks these things up?
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10:55 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
If you need a good laugh...
Today, Jake had the day off from school. So sad for him, he had to go get a flu shoot. Then we had to go to Wal-Mart to pick up a few odds and ends. On the drive home, the conversation turned to the Ninavites(sp?). We started talking about the Ninavite army. Jake asked if the Ninavites lived in the United States. I told him no that they lived in Ninava, and started to explain that it was in Europe, but he cut me off and said, "Oh yeah, I know, that's were they slap people with fish!" I started laughing so hard, that I was crying. I asked where he had heard that, just wandering were the story had taken a wrong turn. He promptly told me that on the Veggie Tales movie about Jonah, the people in Ninava slapped each other with fish. Now we now how stereotypes get started!! Thanks Jake, I needed a good laugh.
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2:43 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
And the answer is: Jake. I know I've said it before, but I still can't believe any child of mine doesn't like chocolate. He's daddy doesn't either, so I guess they are two peas in pod. Today at school they had a little party. They played the game were you guess how many pieces of candy are in the jar. This is the story I was told on the way home from school. "Kevin won the candy. You had to guess how much was in the jar. I put down a wrong number because it was chocolate and I didn't want it." Ha, kindergarten and we're already throwing competitions.
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10:32 PM
From the Mouths of Babes
Have you ever heard yourself coming through your child's mouth? I did today, and thankfully it was pretty good. And extremely funny. Jake has really taken off in school and Kyle and I try to really be excited about what's going on so that he knows that education is very important to us. Today on the way home from school, we were discussing what was in his back pack. Well, Kailey wanted to be a part so I asked Jake if he had a worksheet she could look at. He willingly gave her one. She looked at it and replied, "Jake, did you do this? All by yourself? That's great, I'm so proud of you. Give me five." Ha, I had to laugh.
Posted by
10:27 PM
Happy Halloween
Well, what a night!! I was originally opposed to Halloween. To be honest, it still makes my heart heavy and a little frightened to know what some use the holiday to celebrate. But my kids love it. They have so much fun, and to see the joy and excitement they have, how could I not enjoy it? We had some friends over for an early dinner and then we all went out together to trick or treat. We all had a ball. Kailey Elizabeth didn't really understand what was coming, but once she got the hang of it, get out of her way. Her bag was as big as she is, and she would be trying to run with it yelling at the bigger kids, "Hey wait for me!" The sacker at the grocery store today asked her if she was going to get candy tonight, she told him, "No, I'm going trick or treating." She was so good at saying trick or treat and would always say thank you. Everyone was so impressed and thought she was the cutest thing. I now realize they were impressed because they don't realize how old she actually is. Now, the costume she is wearing was made the very impressive Mimi, and it was worn by Micah and Jake. I'll try and get some pictures of them on here wearing them. Anyway, here are the pictures. Hope everyone had a GREAT day celebrating the good things in life, friends, family, and especially kids!!
Posted by
10:07 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Posted by
6:10 PM
"End of Summer Party"...although it's already October
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5:58 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
"I Went Skydivin, I Went Rocky Mountain Climbin..."
Yes, that is my husband several THOUSAND feet in the air. He and our friend, Travis, went skydiving last Saturday. A woman Kyle works with does this all the time, so she set them up with where to go. The story is, Travis is in our youth group. For a while now he's been talking about how "When I turn 18, I'm going skydiving." Well, Travis turned 18 in September and Kyle was not letting him out of it. They had a great time, were quite proud of themselves, but aren't sure they'd ever do it again. They did get a t-shirt out of the deal, and they both proudly wore it to church on Sunday. I'd be wearin that shirt everyday. I told them, "The only way I'm jumping out of a plane is if it's on fire, and even then, you might have to push me." I love Jake and Kailey's reaction, they tell anyone that their daddy jumped out of a plane. When asked if he wanted to do that, Jake's response was NO WAY! This week Kyle is in Nashville for a national sales conference. Jake has told a couple of people this week that, "Now we don't have a daddy, just a mommy." Simply because Kyle is out of town. On Wednesday night at our small group, he informed everyone that, "My daddy jumped out of a plane and now we don't have a daddy anymore." We have to work on conversation flow. Needless to say, our small group thought it was hilarious. Here are the pictures, my mom is probably tossing her cookies...
Posted by
12:55 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Growth Spurts
O.K., so I knew that kids grew fast, but how fast sometimes surprises me. Most of you know that to say Kailey is petite is an understatement. The child, who is 2 and a half, still wears a size 12months in shorts. This now has become and issue for me with winter coming. Anyway, back to the original story. I've noticed lately that she seemed a little longer. My suspicions were confirmed this morning when we put on sandals she hasn't worn for a few weeks. Imagine my surprise when her toes were so far out!! I had noticed that she was filling out her church sandals almost to the end last Sunday, but nothing like this. I laughed so hard and just had to take a picture. Here it is. Now the question is, If you live in Phoenix, do you buy a new pair of sandals at the beginning of October. I would say no, but after this morning, I'm starting to rethink my position.
Posted by
10:02 PM
Yes it's true, my little boy is now 6 years old. Hard to believe. He had to go to school yesterday, but it was no ordinary day. Yesterday was a "most of the day" field trip. We had to be at school at 8am and returned at about 1pm. So, I got to spend all day with him. This would have been the first birthday we were apart, but God works in wondrous ways. Anyway, we went to the symphony in downtown Phoenix. They have a program just for school children. It was great, lots of great music. Jake's take on it was, "It was boring and I'm never going back there." Ha!! I thought it was funny just the way he said it.
For dinner Jake's choice was Peter Piper Pizza. Yummy. Then we went home to a little tradition that has just kind of happened since we've been in Arizona. On every one's actual day, mine and Kyle's included, we all don party hats and have some balloons to open presents and have birthday cake and ice cream. Just ice cream in Jake's case. (See previous post.) We all had a great time. I must say, I am quite proud of the person Jake is becoming. He said it was o.k. if Kailey shared his birthday and let us put candles in her ice cream too. He then let us sing "Happy Birthday" to her and even let her open on of his presents. God has really put a tender heart in him and I love him for it. Here are some pictures of the festivities. Hope you enjoy! I LOVE YOU JAKE!!!
Posted by
9:28 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sunday Mornings and Blue icing cookies
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7:24 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thank Heaven for Little Girls, and Great Friends!
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9:18 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Super Star
Posted by
7:30 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Posted by
8:50 AM